Trump Page

If you were/are a Donald Trump voter/supporter also known as the right, conservative and/or Republican then, unfortunately, you have been lied to by the carnival barker, conned by the con artist-in-chief with his many scandals.    Although it’s supposedly a myth but P. T. Barnum has been attributed with saying “There’s a sucker born every minute” and if it wasn’t so mean I would call you Trump voters/supporters “suckers” but I know that some of you are feeling burned by Trump and if you feel that way then for that I am empathetic and sympathetic.  You were desperately seeking something, a positive change, but Trump did not turn out to be that positive change that you were seeking and now it’s an unending nightmare.  I feel your pain.  Here is Bill Maher’s New RuleIf you are as ready as I am for Trump to get fired then here are a couple of possibilities.  Or if you are just simply wondering How Can We Get Rid of Trump then here is The New York Times idea of that.  

If that is not how you feel and you still approve of Trump then you will find no empathy or sympathy here.  America has always been great but if “Make America Great Again” means to regress America back to the 1930s, 40s, 50s or 60s, well then, congratulations, we are on our way thanks to Trump.  But Trump will not change or become Presidential.  Although you may not agree with some of the left, liberal, progressive and/or Democratic ideas you too would benefit from political information about your President.  Becoming well informed may combat making the same mistake again.  Or I have a bridge and some swamp land I could sell you.

Here on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman joins Lawrence O’Donnell exclusively to explain what he learned about Trump from facing off against him in the Trump University case.  He also weighs in on the potential of a SCOTUS decision on Trump’s travel ban.

On All In with Chris Hayes Representative Leonard Lance (R-NJ) concedes that he can’t definitively tell his constituents that the president and his aides did not engage in a conspiracy with hostile foreign government agents.

On The Rachel Maddow Show Rachel Maddow reviews the development of the Trump Russia investigation over past seven months, one breaking news story after another.  (Watch the dates!)

On The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell How is the Constitution holding up in the era of Trump?  Lawrence O’Donnell discusses with Joy Reid and Joan Walsh.


Donald Trump has watched his ratings decline for months, but on Wednesday (August 2nd 2017) two respected polls showed that only a third of American voters view him favorably — a new low less than 200 days into his presidency.  A new Quinnipiac University Poll has the president’s approval rating falling to 33 percent, while Gallup shows it at 36 percent.  Quinnipiac’s measurement is the lowest in the poll’s tracking of the Trump administration thus far, and Gallup’s is the lowest three-day average it has registered.  While Gallup tracks voter opinions daily, Quinnipiac’s latest survey delves deeper into beliefs about the president, showing him hitting new lows across the board.

Of the voters surveyed by Quinnipiac, 61 percent disapproved of Trump’s job performance, with over 60 percent also saying he “is not honest,” “does not have good leadership skills” and “does not share their values.”

As low as Trump’s approval rating is I do not understand the people who still approve of Trump, what exactly are they approving of?  Trump has not done anything helpful or useful for anybody anywhere, not even his own party or his-self.  Trump has sabotaged his own party’s agenda, his own family and his own self; perhaps not on purpose but still he has done it maybe because he just could not help himself.  So still the question remains, what exactly are the people who approve of Trump approving of?

On All In with Chris Hayes Donald Trump often spoke on the campaign trail about how easy governing would be.  These days, his tune is changing.




On The 11th Hour with Brian Williams The rhetorical battle between the two most powerful Republicans in Washington as escalated with one FOX News host calling on Senator McConnell to retire.  Sam Stein and Kelsey Snell discuss.

On All In with Chris Hayes The president is lashing out at Mitch McConnell and distancing himself from Senate Republicans because legislators could end the year with no big wins, says Jim Manley, former chief spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.


On All In with Chris Hayes Thing 1/Thing 2: In the race for Alabama Senate, one candidate has said ‘God put Donald Trump in the White House,’ while two others have released fawning ads with titles like ‘Support Trump’ and ‘Trump Man.’


And Star Jones also talked to Wendy on the Wendy Williams Show about the photo saying that Kathy was “Out of bounds, 100%, the 1st rule of comedy is the joke must be funny, that’s not funny.  No matter how I feel about him, his policies and him as a man you don’t ever want to see the president of the United States beheaded, that’s not a joke.  Especially since we’ve had assassinations in our country, we don’t want that.  She crossed the line, she knows, she apologized but by the same token, Wendy, do you know how many things he has said that has crossed the line?  Being nasty to a disabled journalist, going after a Gold Star family, the kind of things that he said about Megyn Kelly and other women.  The actual words that came out of his mouth that were on audio tape where he said that you can assault a woman and she’ll let you when you’re a celebrity.  Those are not fake news, Ms. Jones did not make any of that up, there’s video and audio tape evidence.  So if there’s anything to be upset about it should be him and what he has brought into this country.  His attitude has emboldened racist, it has made racism come from underneath it’s hood and it lays at the feet of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, that’s on him.”



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Just a Democrat with an opinion and enough insight to share my 2 cents.